Educational Excellence Award

For a few months, in the British School Alzira-Xàtiva-Gandia group we have been immersed in a Quality project to achieve Educational Excellence in all our processes at the center. In this first phase of immersion, we have obtained an award from Recognition of Excellence in Education granted by IDEI de Cambiodocente, in its category of ACCESS. We are tremendously proud that we have been awarded this recognition, as it is a great small reward for all the work done and the effort that is being dedicated from all the departments of our schools. Many heartfelt thanks to everyone involved.

We wanted to share with all of you this beginning of a success that we will surely achieve shortly.

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In recent months, the British School Alzira-Xàtiva-Gandia group has been working on a Quality Control project to achieve Educational Excellence in all areas of the school. During the first stage of the project, we have already received an Educational Excellence Award from The IDEI at Cambiodocente, ACCESS category. We are tremendously proud to receive this award, as it is a reward for the hard work and effort contributed by all the departments of our schools. We want to convey our heartfelt appreciation to all those involved. We wanted to share this accomplishment with you, as it is a milestone that starts us on the road to success that we will not doubt achieve soon.

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