Franc Corbí – Anticipating, Preventing and Dealing with Bullying

Franc Corbí, National Vice-President of ACADE and NABSS, and Executive Director of the British School Alzira, Xàtiva and Gandía group, participated in the WEBINAR “School bullying and cyberbullying: how to walk together towards coexistence”.

In this area, our Director highlighted the importance of the educational institution when it comes to anticipating, preventing and tackling bullying in a coordinated way: “In order to bring about a change in educational centres, both the means of detection and those of action must be strengthened, as the key lies in prevention”.

One of the most important tasks that is always carried out in our British Schools Alzira, Xàtiva and Gandía, is to constantly advocate for being “connected” with our students: remembering the importance of listening, understanding, supporting and empathising with our more than 1,200 students. This practice is carried out on a daily basis, and is also reflected in the great team of professionals that comprise the psychopedagogical department who work tirelessly in our schools with the aim of achieving the most optimal learning and living spaces for both pupils and teachers.

At British School Alzira, Xàtiva and Gandia group we believe in working as one big family, and as such, tackling issues such as bullying is one of our top priorities. Educating, learning, respecting and helping are part of our DNA.


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