Franc Corbí receives the First Prize in Educational Innovation at the Gala offered by El Periódico De Aquí

The Educational Innovation Award went to Franc Corbí, director of the British School Alzira, Xàtiva and Gandia Group for his capacity for innovation when using new technologies in educational training and for his relevance in the world of education on the national scene. An award for his extensive career and contribution to the educational world, being a benchmark throughout the national territory. Jesús Molina, vice-president of the Grupo El Periódico de Aqui, presented the Award to Franc Corbí: “I dedicate myself to the most beautiful profession in the world, education changes lives, creates a future, discovers talents. Thanks to my parents who taught me to love this profession”, concluded Franc Corbí in his emotional speech of thanks.

Without a doubt, it is an honor that they award our director with such a magnificent award.