Last Wednesday, May 8, we presented the new campaign of the British School Alzira, Xàtiva and Gandia Group, under the slogan “The Hidden Curriculum under review”.

The act was divided into two moments:

  • At 11:00 in the morning, at the Canyada Blach Foundation.
  • At 6:00 p.m. at the British School Alzira.

At both times, we had the company of Cristina Villanueva, journalist and news director of La Sexta, who presented her book “Desplegando Velas”, an essay in which she talks with five women who have succeeded in traditionally male professions.

‘The Hidden Curriculum under Examination’ is an initiative of the British School Alzira, Xàtiva and Gandia Group with which we want, this time, to be us, adults and educators, who examine ourselves.

The potential of our children is infinite, a potential that is discovered without labels, without prejudice or conditioning.

The hidden curriculum are the messages that we have all experienced, subject to traditions, and imposed roles generated in society. It is time to reflect and take the step together so as not to promote labels, roles assigned by the fact of being a boy or a girl.

The development of the person can be more comprehensive if we are all aware of how happy we would make our loved ones by encouraging them to live without borders or brakes.

Our obligation as fathers, mothers and educators is that we should not educate boys or girls, but people.

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