University Fair at BSX

Today, Wednesday 21st December, the University Fair was held at BSX.

This event is a unique opportunity for the school to provide students with the opportunity to decide their university destination. 

Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students from British School Alzira and Xàtiva have attended this important event, as it will provide them with a very complete overview of the current university offer, and will facilitate their academic and professional orientation.

Bringing together 17 universities from all over Spain in one school is an opportunity they could not miss.

In addition, the students were able to enjoy talks on specific university degrees.

Some interested parents attended this event to keep up to date with the educational offers available to their children.

Pupils and parents were accompanied during the day by Alejandro Gisbert, the British School Alzira-Xàtiva-Gandia Group counsellor, to help them resolve any doubts they may have regarding their future university studies and to advise them at all times.

We hope that thanks to this type of event our pupils will have a clearer idea of their academic goals.