Price lists of our British Schools


British School Group Fees

Course 2024/2025

Yearly Payment

The payment of these fees will be charged in the month of July (before the start of the school year), and will not be reimbursed in case of withdrawal of the student.

In the case of students who enroll in the centre for the first time, it will be paid at the time the enrollment is formalised, and will serve as a “place reservation” concept. Once the course has started, the difference between the payment made and the new rates for the current course will be charged.

Yearly Payment Coverage

  • Place reservation.
  • Accident and civil liability insurance.
  • Psychopedagogical attendance.
  • Student material for use in the classroom, software and technology. This concept covers all the material used in the classroom (such as photocopies, cardboard, paper, notebooks, scissors, glue, laboratory material, art material…), as well as licenses, software and technological resources for use in the classroom.
  • App available for iPhone and Android.

Early Years Foundation Stage & Primary

PreNursery, Nursery, Reception and Year: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Secondary & Key Stage 3


Secondary & Key Stage 4

(Year 10 y 11)

Sixth Form

(Year 12 y 13)

New Students in Year 12 & Year 13

From the 2019-20 Academic Year


This concept will only be charged in the case of students whose parents do not have their residence in Spain.

Monthly payments (from september to june)

PreNursery, Nursery, Reception

(Early Years Foundation Stage)

Year: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6


Year: 7, 8 & 9

(Secondary – Key Stage 3)

Year 10 & Year 11

(Secondary – Key Stage 4)

Year 12 & Year 13

(Sixth Form)

Gourmet Dining Service

(Lunch and afternoon snack) (Compulsory)


(Optional) – [Those students who use only ONE-way bus service, the monthly fee in 110€]

Nursing Service at the School


iPad WiFi 64 Gb – 10th Generation (Year 7 – Year 13) (Mandatory in Secondary and 6th Form)

– Fixed monthly fee

(this concept will be maintained for 3 years, and includes the iPad, the case, renting and insurance)

– Monthly variable fee

(this concept may be updated annually based on IPC, and includes MDM license, APPs, Jamf Safe, Firewall and SQL)

Other services not included in the tariffs

All services not detailed in the tariffs will be previously informed to the families.
In this regard, we are talking about items such as:


Information on the books and the corresponding amount is sent prior to payment.


Uniforms are compulsory and can be purchased throughout the school year at the
school’s Uniform Shop.

Official examination fees

In the British curriculum, pupils take official examinations from Year 6 (5th year of primary school) onwards.

These fees are pre-reported with the corresponding details.

Digital licences

Tapestry, Class Dojo, Education City, Charanga, Little Wandle, EdShed, Oxford Owls Ebooks, My I Maths, GCSEPod, … (depending on the educational stage).

Collective use materials (from PN to Y2)

For Pre-Nursery to Year 2, the British Curriculum does not encourage the use of individual textbooks, but works with collective material (big books, worksheets, games, etc.) of common use for all pupils. This quota corresponds to those teaching resources and classroom books for all subjects, which the school provides for class work.