Workshop “Happy Classrooms” for Year 11 pupils

The School Nursing Department, together with the Psychopedagogical Department, has organised a workshop on how to manage stress in exam situations, which we have called “Happy Classrooms”.

We understand that this year students may experience high levels of anxiety when exposed to official exams.

Several studies show that there is a high percentage of adolescents who experience episodes of stress and anxiety, which they are often unable to identify, let alone control effectively. For this reason, we wanted to help them to know their emotions, to recognise stress and learn how to release it through dynamic exercises and relaxation techniques that can be useful in their daily lives.

The school also recommends the daily practice of specific exercises to help them concentrate on their breathing, relaxation exercises to make them aware of the muscular tensions that can cause tiredness and through these exercises they can reduce this tension, and the practice of a sport and/or active exercise that they like, as it will help them to release stress and focus their attention, achieving benefits both on a physical and mental level.