Franc Corbí awarded in the CATEGORY EDUCATION, in the 1st Edition of the La Ribera Awards of the newspaper FROM HERE

Franc Corbí has been awarded in the CATEGORY EDUCATION, in the 1st Edition of the La Ribera Awards of the newspaper DE AQUÍ, whose Awards ceremony will be held at the Teatro Moderno in Alginet next Wednesday 23rd February. Franc Corbí’s candidacy as an award winner is based on his capacity for innovation when it comes to using new technologies in educational training and for its relevance in the world of education on the national scene. An award for his extensive trajectory and contribution to the world of education, being a reference throughout the national territory.

In other categories, Papas Duso, Choví, the Mancomunidad de la Ribera Alta, the TECMA Clinic and the Ribera-Valldigna Waste Consortium are some of this year’s award winners.


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