Year 5 students celebrate their “Topic Day” and lead the weekly assembly with their families

Year 5 students have been studying the topic of “Ancient Greece”, and they enjoyed a special day dedicated to it.  

Throughout the day, they participated in various activities related to the theme, such as designing a new Greek god, using theatrical techniques to perform a traditional myth, exploring Tangram puzzles, and learning how to prepare Greek recipes that they can try at home.  

In addition, Year 5 students had the honour of leading the weekly Assembly, a much-loved event as it provides them with the opportunity to share what they’ve learned. Following our commitment to family involvement in our educational project, we invited Year 5 families to join the assembly and share the experience with their children.  

These assemblies are a fantastic way for families to gain a closer insight into what their children are learning. The students put great enthusiasm into showcasing their knowledge during their presentations.

We would like to thank all the families who attended and shared this moment with us, as well as the teachers for their dedication and effort.  

And, of course, congratulations to our Year 5 students for taking us on a journey back in time!